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Nutriquana Spirulina is a natural source of 100 major nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, 13 vitamins, 13 minerals, 4 natural phytonutrients, 8 kerotanoids & 18 amino acids. It also contains 3 natural color pigments. According to WHO Spirulina is the greatest super food on earth and an ideal food supplement for the human body. It provides daily nutritional value for the human body and strengthens the immune system. It improves the metabolic rate and reduces acidity. It is a natural source of antioxidants that helps to reduce the growth of cancer cells. It also helps in detoxification of the body.
Dose : One or two capsule twice a day after meal
Packing : 60 Capsules.
Dose : One or two capsule twice a day after meal
Packing : 60 Capsules.
Nutriquana Noni whose botanical name is Morinda citrifolia has three main alkaloids called xeronine, proxeronine, and pro-xeroninage. It contains Enzymes, Anthraquinone and Polysaccharides in abundance in the Noni which regulates the function of the cell, generate of new cells and repair the damage cells. It also controls the flow of chemicals, secretes hormones and improves the digestion. Nutriquana Noni behaves like antibodies. Noni is anti-histaminic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. It contains anti-ageing properties. Nutriquana noni is also full of vitamins and minerals.
Dose: one capsule twice a day before meal
Packing: 60 Capsules
Dose: one capsule twice a day before meal
Packing: 60 Capsules
Nutriquana Flax is known as linseed and its oil known as linseed oil. It is a rich source of Omega-3 & Omega - 6 fatty acids. Flaxseed oil is a natural source of Vitamin E. Flax seed has 75 to 800 percent more Lignan (the natural antioxidants) than other vegetables and grains.
Omega-3 helps lower Cholesterol & blood triglycerides and Lignan have low incidence of breast and colon cancer. It also helps in the development of retinal and brain cells.
Dose: one capsule thrice a day after meal
Packing : 60 Capsules per Bottle
Omega-3 helps lower Cholesterol & blood triglycerides and Lignan have low incidence of breast and colon cancer. It also helps in the development of retinal and brain cells.
Dose: one capsule thrice a day after meal
Packing : 60 Capsules per Bottle
Nutriquana Glucosamine is being used worldwide as a NSAID (Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) in relief of joint pain and swelling (osteo-arthritis). Glucosomine is a long chain of amino acids called Glucosaminoglycan (GAG) that's found in high concentration of sea cells.
Glucosamine is used for formation and repair of cartilages and helps to attract the Proteoglycans molecule to increase the production of Synovial fluid.
Dose: one capsule twice a day after meal
Packing: 60 Capsules
Glucosamine is used for formation and repair of cartilages and helps to attract the Proteoglycans molecule to increase the production of Synovial fluid.
Dose: one capsule twice a day after meal
Packing: 60 Capsules
Nutriquana Safed
Musli is a tremendous herb and food supplement which not only makes more
energetic but also eliminates all kinds of weaknesses in the human body. It
helps to promote functions of nervine system. It is used as a natural steroid
in Traditional Ayurveda and helps to remove any sexual disorder in men and
women both. It also contains a high percentage of glycoside which improves the
immune system of the human body. It is also full of Proteins, carbohydrates,
Vitamins, Minerals, alkaloids, Spanin and Polysaccharides etc.
Dose: one capsule twice a day after meal
Packing: 60 Capsules
Dose: one capsule twice a day after meal
Packing: 60 Capsules
Nutriquana Aloevera is a natural source of many vitamins, 20 essential minerals , Lignan , Enzymes , Polysaccharides and antioxidants etc. It also contains 19 to 22 essential and non-essential amino acids.
Aloevera rectifies the weakness, improves chronic breathing problems, acidity, stomach ulcer, indigestion, and problems to skin disease effectively. It improves the working style of liver making it and the human body strong.
Dose: 1-2 capsule twice a day
Packing: 60 Capsules
Aloevera rectifies the weakness, improves chronic breathing problems, acidity, stomach ulcer, indigestion, and problems to skin disease effectively. It improves the working style of liver making it and the human body strong.
Dose: 1-2 capsule twice a day
Packing: 60 Capsules
Nutriquana Tulsi, the queen of herbs plays an important role in India only because of its amazing medicinal properties. It is very effective in curing of cough and cold. Tulsi has anti-bacterial and antiinflammatory properties. It is most beneficial in curing infection disease etc. It also reduces stress very quickly.
Dose: 1-2 drops or as required
Packing: 15 ml
Dose: 1-2 drops or as required
Packing: 15 ml
Nutriquana Calcium is formulated at the international standards which contain 625mg Calcium Carbonate with 125 units of Vitamin D-3 and Sodium free. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body.
More than 99% of total body calcium is stored in the bones and teeth where it functions to support their structure and the remaining 1% is found throughout the body in blood, muscle, and cells of soft tissue.
Dose: one tablet twice a day after meal
Packing: 100 Tablets per Box
More than 99% of total body calcium is stored in the bones and teeth where it functions to support their structure and the remaining 1% is found throughout the body in blood, muscle, and cells of soft tissue.
Dose: one tablet twice a day after meal
Packing: 100 Tablets per Box
Nutriquana Amla Capsule Amlalaki - amla Embilica officinalis - Indian Gooseberry: Anatura efficient antioxident with richesr source of natural Vit. C, having cooling, refrigerant, diuretic and laxative properties. In iancient texts it has been explained as the best antiageing medicine, highly nutritious with cardiotonic, aphrodisiac, antipyretic, antidiabetic, cerebral and gastrointestinal tonic action and incerase immunity.
As a restorative tonic for total nervous system, antacid, liver stimulant, aphrodisiac as well as a rasayana also beneficial in inflammatin of lungs, eyes stimulates appetite reduces irritability of bladder, retention of urine. Increases immunity and protects froom infections and diseases and keeps you health and fighting fit in all seasons.
Dose: Children 6 to 12 years 1-2 caps Adults 2-3 Caps Twice a day.
Packing: 60 Tablets per bottel
As a restorative tonic for total nervous system, antacid, liver stimulant, aphrodisiac as well as a rasayana also beneficial in inflammatin of lungs, eyes stimulates appetite reduces irritability of bladder, retention of urine. Increases immunity and protects froom infections and diseases and keeps you health and fighting fit in all seasons.
Dose: Children 6 to 12 years 1-2 caps Adults 2-3 Caps Twice a day.
Packing: 60 Tablets per bottel
Nutriquana Colostrum was designed by nature as a part of mother's milk with first 72 hours upon the birth of calf / infant. Nutriquana Colostrum is collected from cow milk and it is 100% pure and organic. It is the highest source of immunoglobulin, which provides a perfect balance of both Immune system and growth factor.
Colostrum has "Nature's Healing miracle" It contains Protein: 60%, Immunoglobulin Antibodies: 20%, Fat: 20%, Growth Factors, Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes and Amino Acids.
Dose: Children 6 to 12 years 1-2 caps twice a day. Adults 2 - 3 caps twice a day.
Packing: 60 Capsule per Bottle (300 mg)
Colostrum has "Nature's Healing miracle" It contains Protein: 60%, Immunoglobulin Antibodies: 20%, Fat: 20%, Growth Factors, Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes and Amino Acids.
Dose: Children 6 to 12 years 1-2 caps twice a day. Adults 2 - 3 caps twice a day.
Packing: 60 Capsule per Bottle (300 mg)
Human Body needs energy to work and this is obtained from Glucose when it is entered into the human cell. The Glucose enters into the cell when the Pancreas releases Insulin into the blood. Deficiency of Insulin increase sugar level in the blood so that glucose does not enter into the cell. This may be a cause of many disease in the body such Eye Disease, weakness in Kidney, brain and heart. Action of the formulation: Vasant Kusmakar Ras and Gold ash and other ingredient of Nutriquana Diabosys activates Pancreas and helps to release Insulin to theHuman Body. It works on both Type I and Type II diabetes.
Note: According to W.H.O. there will be 300 million diabetes Patients.
Dose: 1-2 capsules thrice a day.
Packing: 60 Capsules.
Note: According to W.H.O. there will be 300 million diabetes Patients.
Dose: 1-2 capsules thrice a day.
Packing: 60 Capsules.
Nutriquana Karela (Bitter Melon) is mostly used in North India and very useful to achieve positive sugar regulating effect by suppressing the neural response to sweet taste stimuli.
It has shown significant lipogenic activity and antilipolytic. It is a good blood purifier, treats worm manifestations, stimulates pancreas, liver and helps in good absorption of food, helpful as an emetic, inpiles, purgative, as an anthelmentic, jaundice and it is also helpful in triggering the endocrine system of the body.
Dose: 1-2 capsule twice a day.
Packing: 90 capsule
It has shown significant lipogenic activity and antilipolytic. It is a good blood purifier, treats worm manifestations, stimulates pancreas, liver and helps in good absorption of food, helpful as an emetic, inpiles, purgative, as an anthelmentic, jaundice and it is also helpful in triggering the endocrine system of the body.
Dose: 1-2 capsule twice a day.
Packing: 90 capsule
Nutriquana Shilajit is a natural amazing herb. It is very useful in treatment of Skin disease, Chest disease, Piles, Reducing fat, Constipation, Intestinal Worms and general Weakness.
Dose: 2 capsule twice a day with milk..
Packing: 90 capsule
Dose: 2 capsule twice a day with milk..
Packing: 90 capsule
Nutriquana Aloe vera Juice a rich source of natural vitamins & anti oxidants. It contains polysaccharides (pectins, hemicelluloses, glucomannan, acemannan, and mannose derivatives), 19-22 amino acids, lipids, sterols (lupeol, campesterol, and betasitosterol), tanins, fatty acids, enzymes, vitamins (A, B, B2, B3, B6, C & E), minerals (Na, K, Ca, P, Cl & traces of Mfg & Zn.), and other vital substances.
A natural treasure of Minerals, Enzymes, Polysaccharides, Vitamins, Biological stimulators, Amino acids, etc.
Dose: 30ml Once times a day before meals.
Packing : 1 ltr Lichi flavour
A natural treasure of Minerals, Enzymes, Polysaccharides, Vitamins, Biological stimulators, Amino acids, etc.
Dose: 30ml Once times a day before meals.
Packing : 1 ltr Lichi flavour
Gas Mukti Churan is a unique Ayurvedic combination to the removal of indigestion. Everybody knows how much digestion power has a human being and also differs among the human. Spicy or heavy food, overfeeding increases acidy and gastric problems. So it may be cause of generation of many diseases like decrease in blood formation, Weak Bones, Gastric Ulcer, Constipation etc.
Dose: One teaspoonful after food.
Packing: 100 gms
Dose: One teaspoonful after food.
Packing: 100 gms
Nutriquana Spirulina is a natural source of 100 types of major nutrients approximately such as protein, carbohydrate, 13 vitamins, 13 minerals, 4 natural phytonutrients, 8 cerotanoida & 18 amino acids. It also contains 3 natural color pigments. According to WHO Spirulina is the greatest super food on earth and an ideal food supplement for the human body. It provides daily nutritional value for the human body and strengthens the immune system. It improves the metabolic rate and reduces acidity. It is a natural source of antoxidants that helps to reduce the growth of cancer cells. It also helps in detoxification of the body.
Dose : One or two capsule twice a day after meal
Packing : 60 Capsules
Dose : One or two capsule twice a day after meal
Packing : 60 Capsules
Nutriquana Neem Its botanical name is Azadirachta Indica. It is an amazing gift to humanity. From centuries Neem is being used in Ayurveda and Unani Medicine to purify blood, in any type of skin disease and Diabetes. Neem contains certain chemicals which are unique. The primary chemicals are called Limonoides. Neem has very powerful skin rejuvenating quality. It has unique capacity of fighting with many type of disease, Bacteria, Fungus or Viruses, Leprosy and Leucoderma etc. So Neem is called in Ayurveda “Sarvroghari”.
Dose: 1-2 soft gel after meal
Packing: 100 Soft Gel
Dose: 1-2 soft gel after meal
Packing: 100 Soft Gel
Aromasys Shampoo contains Amla, Shikakai, Brahmi, Tea Tree and Green Apple which gives a natural shine and strengthens the hair. Tea Tree Oil saves from dandruff and prevent from hair fall.
Amla : It is a rich source of vitamin C which is an excellent conditioner & cleanses scalp completely.
Shikakai : It gives more softness to the hairs & helps in retarding the premature graying of hairs. It also adds volume to the hairs.
Brahmi: It penetrates directly through the scalp & improves blood circulation of the scalp and help distress.
Tea Tree: It has anti bacterial properties which help to prevent dandruff.
Green Apple: It nourishes hairs & gives shiny and glossy texture to hairs.
HOW TO USE: Wet hair, Apply Aromasys Shampoo, slowly massages and Lather, Rinse thoroughly
Amla : It is a rich source of vitamin C which is an excellent conditioner & cleanses scalp completely.
Shikakai : It gives more softness to the hairs & helps in retarding the premature graying of hairs. It also adds volume to the hairs.
Brahmi: It penetrates directly through the scalp & improves blood circulation of the scalp and help distress.
Tea Tree: It has anti bacterial properties which help to prevent dandruff.
Green Apple: It nourishes hairs & gives shiny and glossy texture to hairs.
HOW TO USE: Wet hair, Apply Aromasys Shampoo, slowly massages and Lather, Rinse thoroughly
Aromasys SPF 30 Sunscreen Lotion is made with Rose leaves extract helps to decrease chronic inflammation from skin, French Marigold Essential Oil in skin preparations to treat eczema, scars, cracked skin, rashes, inflammations and viral infections, Goose Berry (Amla), Cherry Plam & Rice Bran works on anti-aging and skin brightening, Anapsos improves skin appearance, Pomelo smoothen the skin. Liquorice being antiinflammatory, astringent, anti-microbial, free radical scavenger, UV absorption, helps reduce the appearance of skin discoloration.
Packing: 100 ml
Packing: 100 ml
Face wash is a unique formulation of Ayurvedic ingredients such as Tea Tree oil, Aloe vera, Fruit extracts and Vitamin E. Tea tree oil has anti-biotical properties that works on Acne. Vitamin E and Aloevera gives skin nourishment and work on skin disorder. Fruit extract helps in cleansing and giving a fresh and soothing effect on skin.
Packing : 75 ml
Packing : 75 ml
Aromasys Multipurpose Creame is the natural Moisturizer which softens the skin and maintains the skin moisture Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and gives nourishment to the skin. Wheat germ oil helps in blood circulation and regeneration of skin cells.
Packing: 100 gm
Packing: 100 gm
Aromasys Ayurvedic Gold Spa Facial Kit Treatments are based upon centuries-old Ayurvedic therapies that support balance and bliss in your life. The revitalizing and therapeutic treatments offered are customized to your particular needs. Our R&D team has used specific oils, herbs and aromas to provide you with optimal balance and nourishment for your mind-body constitution.
Aromasys Ayurvedic Gold Spa Facial Kit This facial is for extra glow. This is for all types of skin. Gold facial gives natural bleaching effect on the skin.
Packing: 15g. x 6 & 100g. x 6
Aromasys Ayurvedic Gold Spa Facial Kit This facial is for extra glow. This is for all types of skin. Gold facial gives natural bleaching effect on the skin.
Packing: 15g. x 6 & 100g. x 6
Aromasys Soap is made with the elements of Aloevera, lime, Neem, Tulsi and Pudina that make the skin bacteria free. This is grade-I bathing soap that TFM is 78%. So ultimately it keeps the skin clean, smelling good and smooth.
Packing: 100 gm
Packing: 100 gm
Aromasys Hair oil is made from an Ayurvedic formulation of Arnica, Bhringraj, Bhrami, Tulsi, Almond, Olive, Wheat Germ Jaborandi and Tea Tree Oil. It helps to get rid of almost all hair problems. It prevents from graying, dandruff, hair falling and dryness i.e. complete nourishment of hairs and makes hair strong.
Qty.: 200 ml
Qty.: 200 ml
Freshcusys tooth paste is made from a unique combination of more than 20 herbs which helps in fighting with the teeth problems and makes help in eliminating the problems completely.
The main ingredients are Neem, Lavang, Babul, Aloevera which gives sparkling shine and strength teeth.
It also gives a cooling sensation and a fresh breath.
Use: For better result use two times in a day
Packing.: 100 gm
The main ingredients are Neem, Lavang, Babul, Aloevera which gives sparkling shine and strength teeth.
It also gives a cooling sensation and a fresh breath.
Use: For better result use two times in a day
Packing.: 100 gm
Unikahwa tea is a mixture of carefully chosen green and long tea blendes from Assam region. Its natural aroma gives freshness. It is rich in natural source of antioxidants called flavonoids that protect cells and tissues in the body. The trace ingredients like Proteins, Minerals and Vitamins are the great source of Energy.
Qty.: 250 gm.
Qty.: 250 gm.
Detox Foot Patch is based on the Trans- Dermal Technology. It is a unique combination of natural herbs like Wood Vinegar of Oak & Bamboo, Tourmaline, Caragana Sinca, Siberina Ginsang, and Agarricus Mushroom, Saururus Chinensis, Chemeleon Plant, Corn Starch, Chitosan, Eucalyptus etc. In Japanese it is known as Mokcho powder.
Detox foot patches is a natural way to assist the body in removal of heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, microscopic parasites, mucous, chemicals, cellulite and much more.
Direction for use: Apply on feet up to 8-10 hours sleeping at night.
Qty.:14 patch per box.
Detox foot patches is a natural way to assist the body in removal of heavy metals, metabolic wastes, toxins, microscopic parasites, mucous, chemicals, cellulite and much more.
Direction for use: Apply on feet up to 8-10 hours sleeping at night.
Qty.:14 patch per box.