Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder in which our body cannot make proper use of glucose, which in turn results intohyperglycemia (high blood sugar). High level of glucose in the blood causes presence of glucosein the urine, which is known as glycosuria. As a result, the urine output increases and leads to dehydration and increased thirst.
Our body mainly gets glucose from food, but it is also made in liver and muscles. The blood carries glucose to our body cells. Insulin, the chemical (or a hormone)produced in the pancreas, is responsible for glucose intake into body cells. This glucose intake then gives us energy. Low levels of insulin affect this mechanism which leads to increased glucose in the blood stream.
The main causes of increased blood sugar level are:
A diabetic person urinates frequently and often urinates in large quantities. In addition, thirst level of a diabetic person is also increased. There might be weight loss or weight gain, fatigue, urinary tract infections, and blurred vision. Wounds of diabetic person take time to heal. Improper or delayed treatment of diabetes can result into blindness, loss of limbs (particularly feet or legs), heart disease, and kidney failure.
Diabetes as per Ayurvedic Concept
In Ayurveda, Diabetes Mellitus is called Madhumeha (Madhu means ‘honey’ and Meha means ‘urine’). This disorder is categorized as VatajMeha (a problem caused by aggravation of Vata or Air). Vata is an Ayurvedichumorwhich symbolizes wind and dryness. Impairment of Vatais indicated and characterized by deterioration of the body. There is maximum deterioration of dhatus (body tissues) in this disease, and this is the reason why diabetes affects all vital organs. The other chief cause of Diabetes Mellitus is improper digestion. Improper digestion results in accumulation of specific digestive impurities. These impurities accumulate in the pancreatic cells and impair the production of insulin.
In Ayurveda, diabetes is not regarded as a disease that can be treated by mere medicine or by a dietary regimen. In fact, Madhumeha is classified as a MahaRog (Major Disease) because, if not treated in time, it can lead to several complications which include eye problems, joint pains, impotency, kidney failure, sexual and urologic problems, and many more. This metabolic disorder cannot be merely treated by controlling sugar levels. The treatment recommended in Ayurveda – as against modern medicine – aims at rejuvenating the body by balancing sugar levels and at the same time ensuring that no further complications are caused.
The Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes is based on entirely changing the person’s lifestyle. Besides medication and diet, the patient is asked to follow a healthy lifestyle and live an active life. This change in diet and lifestyle rejuvenates cells and tissues, therebyallowing them to produce insulin properly. Mental aspects of the disease are also stressed upon in Ayurveda. Medicines administered to the patient are therefore meant to keep the brain in its right manner of functioning.
Lifestyle Guide & Recommended Diet
Homemade Therapies
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder in which our body cannot make proper use of glucose, which in turn results intohyperglycemia (high blood sugar). High level of glucose in the blood causes presence of glucosein the urine, which is known as glycosuria. As a result, the urine output increases and leads to dehydration and increased thirst.
Our body mainly gets glucose from food, but it is also made in liver and muscles. The blood carries glucose to our body cells. Insulin, the chemical (or a hormone)produced in the pancreas, is responsible for glucose intake into body cells. This glucose intake then gives us energy. Low levels of insulin affect this mechanism which leads to increased glucose in the blood stream.
The main causes of increased blood sugar level are:
- Excessive intake of foods that are difficult to digest, such as fried foods, creams, etc.
- Lack of exercise
- Mental stress and strain
- Too much sleep
- Overeating and obesity
- Excessive intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates
- Overloading of proteins and fats
- Hereditary factors
A diabetic person urinates frequently and often urinates in large quantities. In addition, thirst level of a diabetic person is also increased. There might be weight loss or weight gain, fatigue, urinary tract infections, and blurred vision. Wounds of diabetic person take time to heal. Improper or delayed treatment of diabetes can result into blindness, loss of limbs (particularly feet or legs), heart disease, and kidney failure.
Diabetes as per Ayurvedic Concept
In Ayurveda, Diabetes Mellitus is called Madhumeha (Madhu means ‘honey’ and Meha means ‘urine’). This disorder is categorized as VatajMeha (a problem caused by aggravation of Vata or Air). Vata is an Ayurvedichumorwhich symbolizes wind and dryness. Impairment of Vatais indicated and characterized by deterioration of the body. There is maximum deterioration of dhatus (body tissues) in this disease, and this is the reason why diabetes affects all vital organs. The other chief cause of Diabetes Mellitus is improper digestion. Improper digestion results in accumulation of specific digestive impurities. These impurities accumulate in the pancreatic cells and impair the production of insulin.
In Ayurveda, diabetes is not regarded as a disease that can be treated by mere medicine or by a dietary regimen. In fact, Madhumeha is classified as a MahaRog (Major Disease) because, if not treated in time, it can lead to several complications which include eye problems, joint pains, impotency, kidney failure, sexual and urologic problems, and many more. This metabolic disorder cannot be merely treated by controlling sugar levels. The treatment recommended in Ayurveda – as against modern medicine – aims at rejuvenating the body by balancing sugar levels and at the same time ensuring that no further complications are caused.
The Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes is based on entirely changing the person’s lifestyle. Besides medication and diet, the patient is asked to follow a healthy lifestyle and live an active life. This change in diet and lifestyle rejuvenates cells and tissues, therebyallowing them to produce insulin properly. Mental aspects of the disease are also stressed upon in Ayurveda. Medicines administered to the patient are therefore meant to keep the brain in its right manner of functioning.
Lifestyle Guide & Recommended Diet
- Include whole grains in diet like wheat bread/pasta and brown rice.
- Cheese and yogurt prepared with skimmed (non-fat) milk may be taken.
- Intake of garlic, onion, bitter gourd, spinach, raw banana, and black plum is helpful.
- Make a flour mixture of 1 part barley, 1 part black chickpeas, and 4 parts whole-wheat flour and use this mixture to prepare pancakes and bread.
- Avoid sweet and sour foods along with salty, oily and spicy foods. Also avoid potatoes, sweet potatoes, colocasia (taro), yams, fresh grains and pulses (legumes), and whole yogurt (high in fat).
- Avoid eating sweet fruits like pineapple, grapes, mangoes, etc.
- Start doing some light exercise like brisk walking. Take a brisk walk of at least 30-40 minutes in the morning and again in the evening.
- Avoid sleeping during daytime as it increases KledakaKapha.
Homemade Therapies
- Take 2 teaspoons of bitter gourd (karela) juice once a day. Its intakecan also be increased as cooked vegetable.
- Make a mixture of 1 teaspoon of the powder of fenugreek seeds with water and take it twice a day.
- Mix one teaspoon of Indian gooseberry (amla) juice with one teaspoon of bitter gourd juice and take it twice a day.