Headache is a common problem one faces in the day-to-day life, caused due to various reasons like insomnia, hunger, constipation, high blood pressure, and sinusitis, anemia, listening to music in a higher volume,weak eyesight, and reading in poor light, emotional strain, flatulence, and overwork. In the concept of Ayurveda, this is called as asshirehshool. Usually, headache sometimes is accompanied with nasal bleeding, giddiness, or watering of eyes, which depends on the place of aggravation or affection.
The improper scheduling of lifestyle often leads to headache. The impairment of vata (air) along with kapha (water) plays a role in cultivating headache. Conceptually, kapha blocks vata in the upper body, thereby causing headache. Sometimes, vata vitiates pitta doshas, which results in giving burning sensation and feel of nausea. Excess strain, overwork, insomnia are some major cause.
As the name itself suggests, headache, usually is sometimes associated with shoulder pain, back pain. The pain effect can be of different types, from cutting, throbbing and penetrating in general, because of the domination of vata and the burning sensation is caused by pitta. The pain is infrequent, though in some cases people have headache on a daily basis.
Headache as per Ayurvedic Concept
The science of Ayurveda explains the symptom of headache as to be caused of two main reasons, one being neural system and the other being impaired digestive system. Poor dieting system causes digestive problems and the formation of pitta (heat). Pitta, in fully affected state, cultivates indigestion, and the production of ama (digestive impurity). These impurities get stored in mind channels, which causes headache.
As the neural system is one of the chief energy supplying systems, during headache, ojas (energy) from the system gets lowered. The element of Ojas is the power source for mind, body, nervous system and a person with strong ojas can be as good as leading an immune body and lead them with a strong mind. Decreased level of Ojas leads to migraine.
In Ayurveda, chief goal is not only to relieve from headache, but also to reach the root of the problem and cure it completely. Herbal medicine preparations are recommended to help balance the flow of energy and repair digestive system.
Lifestyle Guide & Recommended Diet
Homemade Therapies
Headache is a common problem one faces in the day-to-day life, caused due to various reasons like insomnia, hunger, constipation, high blood pressure, and sinusitis, anemia, listening to music in a higher volume,weak eyesight, and reading in poor light, emotional strain, flatulence, and overwork. In the concept of Ayurveda, this is called as asshirehshool. Usually, headache sometimes is accompanied with nasal bleeding, giddiness, or watering of eyes, which depends on the place of aggravation or affection.
The improper scheduling of lifestyle often leads to headache. The impairment of vata (air) along with kapha (water) plays a role in cultivating headache. Conceptually, kapha blocks vata in the upper body, thereby causing headache. Sometimes, vata vitiates pitta doshas, which results in giving burning sensation and feel of nausea. Excess strain, overwork, insomnia are some major cause.
As the name itself suggests, headache, usually is sometimes associated with shoulder pain, back pain. The pain effect can be of different types, from cutting, throbbing and penetrating in general, because of the domination of vata and the burning sensation is caused by pitta. The pain is infrequent, though in some cases people have headache on a daily basis.
Headache as per Ayurvedic Concept
The science of Ayurveda explains the symptom of headache as to be caused of two main reasons, one being neural system and the other being impaired digestive system. Poor dieting system causes digestive problems and the formation of pitta (heat). Pitta, in fully affected state, cultivates indigestion, and the production of ama (digestive impurity). These impurities get stored in mind channels, which causes headache.
As the neural system is one of the chief energy supplying systems, during headache, ojas (energy) from the system gets lowered. The element of Ojas is the power source for mind, body, nervous system and a person with strong ojas can be as good as leading an immune body and lead them with a strong mind. Decreased level of Ojas leads to migraine.
In Ayurveda, chief goal is not only to relieve from headache, but also to reach the root of the problem and cure it completely. Herbal medicine preparations are recommended to help balance the flow of energy and repair digestive system.
Lifestyle Guide & Recommended Diet
- Eat boiled vegetables, steamed vegetable soups, porridges, whole-wheat flour, brown rice, juices that helps in easy digestion.
- Eat non-citric fruits such as apple, grapes, pears, papayas, mangoes.
- During the day time, have buttermilk, rice stirred with cumin seeds, garlic, asafoetida and cinnamon
- Eat 5-6 pieces of dry almond, walnut and raisins daily
- Avoid spicy, oily, cold, stale and junk foods.
- Avoid Yoghurt, especially at nighttime.
- Don’t work for long hours continuously, take a decent break, and sleep in a dark comfortable room.
- Don’t over expose to extreme temperatures, carry umbrella during summer and during monsoon.
Homemade Therapies
- Apply the mixture of rosewater with sandalwood powder or ground clay in case of burning sensation headache can be felt.
- Inhale steam with vinegar added to water if the headache is caused by sinusitis.
- Mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon oil with ¼th spoon of clove powder and put this paste in the affected place for about thirty minutes.