Hypertension (more commonly known in Ayurvedic language as RaktaGata Vata in) is actually defined as a raised strain of blood pressure formed in arteries. The growth in blood-pressure is determined by diet, sexual practice, bodily and psychological processes, genealogy and family history, and a man's age. Standard blood-pressure of a healthier mature person is 120 mmHg systolic and diastolic of 80mmHg.
Harmful inactive and diet life styles are the primary factors behind hypertension nowadays. All the food platters that people have - foods which are packed by adding preservatives and chemicals in them or the various fast food items- produce intestinal troubles in the body metabolism. Reduced digestion contributes to formation of ama (toxic substances), which results in the hypertension. The food stuff that we consume is digested by our intestinal fire (jatharagni) to generate nutritious cells of plasma. This plasma helps to keep stable all the dhatus (human anatomy cells) and assists in the generation of wholesome blood stream, which moves around the human body via different paths or channels (srotas).
Yet, if digestion is reduced, the nutrient cells of plasma eventually end up generating intestinal pollutants or ama. This ama mixture along with the plasma cells and causes it to be sama (clustered with ama) or substantial. As a consequence, the bloodstream so generated additionally becomes a bit heavy and sticky in form and structure. As a result the heavy flow blood (loaded with pollutants) moves through different paths which causes the toxins to form their storage in the less immune channels of the body making them narrower. These poisons trigger thinning of the paths of the body, when heart channel is reached. Due to this situation, the bloodstream has to exercise more pumping to generate pressure flow when it is reached in these weaker channels which ultimately lead to a state of high blood pressure.
Moreover, damaging psychological emotions, anxiousness and worry additionally lead to rise in blood-pressure levels. Additional causes could possibly be background of genetic history of prone to high blood pressure among the family members, obesity, ingestion of highfat, insufficient workout and reduced-dietary fibre diet, excessive ingestion of processed meals, and caffeine, tea, etc.
The dieses of Hypertension shows its symptoms very rarely; to ensure that the blood pressure is in right position, BP needs to monitored at regular intervals as per the doctor's advice. Some of the common ways that one can assess that he or she is facing BP related issues , when he or she faces pain at the back portion of the neck (occipital headache),or when someone is filly dizzy and problems in palpitation.
Hypertension as per Ayurvedic Concept
The Ayurvedic treatment of Hypertension related issues formerly targets to understand the main cause of which actually lead to the symptom of the dieses and then prescribing certain herbs which will help to reduce to problem and its grown roots. For the herbs to its action it is necessary that the body metabolism needs to be increased and digestive strength should be doubled. Secondly, the elimination of toxins that have formed over a course of time in the heart channels is important. Thirdly, through meditation and mind relaxing techniques like pranayama and yoga,it can be charged up.
Diet and Lifestyle Advice
A person with hypertension related issues should avoid consuming red meat, salt, caffeine and tea. Smoking must totally given up as it increases the heart pumping rate. The patients must include in the dietary plan the high intakes of garlic, parsley, lemon, watermelon, skim milk, amla and cottage cheese. For lifestyle betterment one should make it a regular habit of doing exercise, be it brisk walking, jogging, or swimming to say a few common ones. Staying happing and laughing out loud is one of the main mantras of being in good health and curbing down the blood pressure levels.
Some Home Remedies
Hypertension (more commonly known in Ayurvedic language as RaktaGata Vata in) is actually defined as a raised strain of blood pressure formed in arteries. The growth in blood-pressure is determined by diet, sexual practice, bodily and psychological processes, genealogy and family history, and a man's age. Standard blood-pressure of a healthier mature person is 120 mmHg systolic and diastolic of 80mmHg.
Harmful inactive and diet life styles are the primary factors behind hypertension nowadays. All the food platters that people have - foods which are packed by adding preservatives and chemicals in them or the various fast food items- produce intestinal troubles in the body metabolism. Reduced digestion contributes to formation of ama (toxic substances), which results in the hypertension. The food stuff that we consume is digested by our intestinal fire (jatharagni) to generate nutritious cells of plasma. This plasma helps to keep stable all the dhatus (human anatomy cells) and assists in the generation of wholesome blood stream, which moves around the human body via different paths or channels (srotas).
Yet, if digestion is reduced, the nutrient cells of plasma eventually end up generating intestinal pollutants or ama. This ama mixture along with the plasma cells and causes it to be sama (clustered with ama) or substantial. As a consequence, the bloodstream so generated additionally becomes a bit heavy and sticky in form and structure. As a result the heavy flow blood (loaded with pollutants) moves through different paths which causes the toxins to form their storage in the less immune channels of the body making them narrower. These poisons trigger thinning of the paths of the body, when heart channel is reached. Due to this situation, the bloodstream has to exercise more pumping to generate pressure flow when it is reached in these weaker channels which ultimately lead to a state of high blood pressure.
Moreover, damaging psychological emotions, anxiousness and worry additionally lead to rise in blood-pressure levels. Additional causes could possibly be background of genetic history of prone to high blood pressure among the family members, obesity, ingestion of highfat, insufficient workout and reduced-dietary fibre diet, excessive ingestion of processed meals, and caffeine, tea, etc.
The dieses of Hypertension shows its symptoms very rarely; to ensure that the blood pressure is in right position, BP needs to monitored at regular intervals as per the doctor's advice. Some of the common ways that one can assess that he or she is facing BP related issues , when he or she faces pain at the back portion of the neck (occipital headache),or when someone is filly dizzy and problems in palpitation.
Hypertension as per Ayurvedic Concept
The Ayurvedic treatment of Hypertension related issues formerly targets to understand the main cause of which actually lead to the symptom of the dieses and then prescribing certain herbs which will help to reduce to problem and its grown roots. For the herbs to its action it is necessary that the body metabolism needs to be increased and digestive strength should be doubled. Secondly, the elimination of toxins that have formed over a course of time in the heart channels is important. Thirdly, through meditation and mind relaxing techniques like pranayama and yoga,it can be charged up.
Diet and Lifestyle Advice
A person with hypertension related issues should avoid consuming red meat, salt, caffeine and tea. Smoking must totally given up as it increases the heart pumping rate. The patients must include in the dietary plan the high intakes of garlic, parsley, lemon, watermelon, skim milk, amla and cottage cheese. For lifestyle betterment one should make it a regular habit of doing exercise, be it brisk walking, jogging, or swimming to say a few common ones. Staying happing and laughing out loud is one of the main mantras of being in good health and curbing down the blood pressure levels.
Some Home Remedies
- Have a juice with garlic cloves of 3-4 pieces, basil leaves 10 -12 in quantity and a small amount of wheat grass. This needs to be taken once a day daily.
- Have peeled garlic buds 2-3 pieces along with water in the early hours of morning on empty stomach.
- Have 1 tea spoon of onion juice mixed with honey, once daily. By assessing improvement increase the amount of in taking it.