Hyperthyroidism is a type of thyroid disorder caused mainly due to the production of excessive thyroxin in thyroid gland. This results in sweating of hands and trembling along with loss of weight as a result of increased metabolism. Presence of Goiter can also be detected.
As per the philosophy of Ayurveda, the weakenedabsorption of food, by blocking the small food channel, leads to the imbalance of thyroid gland. The treatment of this problem is to clear the minute channels, to restore body energy and restore production and circulation of thyroxin.
As per the philosophy of Ayurveda, the weakenedabsorption of food, by blocking the small food channel, leads to the imbalance of thyroid gland. The treatment of this problem is to clear the minute channels, to restore body energy and restore production and circulation of thyroxin.