The ongoing loss of pigmentation on skincommonly known as melanin from the stratums of the skin is termed as Leucoderma. This causeswhite patches to appear all over the body comprisingthe scalp, face, and even genitals.
Till this date the precisereasons behind the cause of Leucoderma is not yet known, butone of the below reasons could be included in causes:
Leucoderma as per Ayurvedic Concept
Ayurveda says thatLeucoderma is caused due to the intensification of Pitta Dosha. In Ayurveda, Pitta representsthe heat that manifestsunder the skin. Serious Pitta leads to build-up of ama (toxins) in the depths of the skin thus leading to Leucoderma.
One of the five types of Pitta named as Bhrajak Pitta which provides coloration to skin is related to Leucoderma. When the Bhrajak Pitta gets into an imbalanced state, the skin begins to losecolour and white patches can be seen on skin. Apart from Pitta Dosha, other body tissues like Mansa (muscles), Rasa Dhatu (nutrient plasma),Lasika (lymph), and Rakta (blood)are also involved.
The treatment entailscleansing the blood,calming imbalanced body energies, and ingesting herbs that reinstate skin colour. Impaired digestion is the main reason behind Leucoderma, as it leads to the build-up of toxins in tissues. Hence, an essential part of treatment is restoration of digestion. The patient is also advised on correct diet and lifestyle adjustments to avertrepetition of the disorder.
Lifestyle Guide & Recommended Diet
Increase the daily consumption of bitter-tasting vegetables, like drumsticks, bitter gourd etc.
Avoid foods that are difficult to digest, and those that are sour in taste, sesame seeds, jaggery,excessive salt, fish, and curd.
Avoid intake of incompatible food combinations, such as milk and meat together.
Have enough sound sleep daily.
· Avoid over-exposure of body to excessive heat or cold conditions.
Homemade Therapies
The ongoing loss of pigmentation on skincommonly known as melanin from the stratums of the skin is termed as Leucoderma. This causeswhite patches to appear all over the body comprisingthe scalp, face, and even genitals.
Till this date the precisereasons behind the cause of Leucoderma is not yet known, butone of the below reasons could be included in causes:
- Excessive stressand worry.
- Improper liver functioning orProlonged gastric problems
- Over consumption of incompatible food items like milk and meat together.
- Worms or parasites inside the digestive tract.
- Injuries and burns.
- Hereditary issues
- De-pigmentation of white patches on hands, face, feet, lips, etc. The appearance of minor white spots gradually develop into bigger patches.
- Premature greying of the scalpeyebrows, eyelashes, beard and hair.
Leucoderma as per Ayurvedic Concept
Ayurveda says thatLeucoderma is caused due to the intensification of Pitta Dosha. In Ayurveda, Pitta representsthe heat that manifestsunder the skin. Serious Pitta leads to build-up of ama (toxins) in the depths of the skin thus leading to Leucoderma.
One of the five types of Pitta named as Bhrajak Pitta which provides coloration to skin is related to Leucoderma. When the Bhrajak Pitta gets into an imbalanced state, the skin begins to losecolour and white patches can be seen on skin. Apart from Pitta Dosha, other body tissues like Mansa (muscles), Rasa Dhatu (nutrient plasma),Lasika (lymph), and Rakta (blood)are also involved.
The treatment entailscleansing the blood,calming imbalanced body energies, and ingesting herbs that reinstate skin colour. Impaired digestion is the main reason behind Leucoderma, as it leads to the build-up of toxins in tissues. Hence, an essential part of treatment is restoration of digestion. The patient is also advised on correct diet and lifestyle adjustments to avertrepetition of the disorder.
Lifestyle Guide & Recommended Diet
Increase the daily consumption of bitter-tasting vegetables, like drumsticks, bitter gourd etc.
Avoid foods that are difficult to digest, and those that are sour in taste, sesame seeds, jaggery,excessive salt, fish, and curd.
Avoid intake of incompatible food combinations, such as milk and meat together.
Have enough sound sleep daily.
· Avoid over-exposure of body to excessive heat or cold conditions.
Homemade Therapies
- Apply a paste of Bakuchi (PsoraleaCorylifolia) and vinegar over the white patchy area and expose it to early sunrays for about 15 minutesevery day.
- Take 10ml of ginger juice twice every day to ensure apt blood supply to the white patches.
- Apply turmeric powder mixed in mustard oil on the patches.