Leucorrhoea is a problem caused when there is a secretion of a sticky, white, fouldischarge from the vaginal area. The main reasons for this could be when the genital areas are not cleaned in the proper manner, not functioning immunity or infected genital tract. In Ayurvdeic language, Leucorrhoea is also known as “ShvetaPradar”, where Shveta translates as ‘white’, while Pradar stands for ‘discharge’.
As we said before, the disease of Leucorrhoea means a discharge from the vagina that is happening continuously.
The discharge is whitish in color, is quite sticky, which can at times can be smelling bad. There may be itching or irritation at the groin regions. The disease also can cause overall body weakness, lumbar pain, or pain in the calves and fluctuating mood swings.
Leucorrhoea as per Ayurvedic Concept
It has been seen that of the few of the main causes that are responsible for the disease, one can surely be the food with special reference to the ones mentioned above. Any of the above mentioned reasons can cause KalpaDosha’s burning sensation. When Kapha’s quantity in the body rises, (along with the rest of the factors) the Rasa Dhatu (or the plasma) that is seen present in the vagina leads to this secretion from the body.
To cure Leucorrhoea by Ayurveda, it is vital for the body to get the digestive functions back on track. This means that one has to clean the body of all the unnecessary wastes. This is essential to balance the Kapha. The actual medication by Ayurveda then is recommended so that the reproductive system is cleaned.
Lifestyle Guide & Recommended Diet
Homemade Therapies
Leucorrhoea is a problem caused when there is a secretion of a sticky, white, fouldischarge from the vaginal area. The main reasons for this could be when the genital areas are not cleaned in the proper manner, not functioning immunity or infected genital tract. In Ayurvdeic language, Leucorrhoea is also known as “ShvetaPradar”, where Shveta translates as ‘white’, while Pradar stands for ‘discharge’.
- Rich, oily foods and sweets cold food intake in large quantity
- Over consumption of butter, milk, cheese and yogurt
- Excessive indulgence in sexual intercourse
- Recurrent miscarriages or abortions
- If one partakes rich or heavy diet and follows erratic life during the monthly period cycles
- Not giving proper care to the vaginal areas.
As we said before, the disease of Leucorrhoea means a discharge from the vagina that is happening continuously.
The discharge is whitish in color, is quite sticky, which can at times can be smelling bad. There may be itching or irritation at the groin regions. The disease also can cause overall body weakness, lumbar pain, or pain in the calves and fluctuating mood swings.
Leucorrhoea as per Ayurvedic Concept
It has been seen that of the few of the main causes that are responsible for the disease, one can surely be the food with special reference to the ones mentioned above. Any of the above mentioned reasons can cause KalpaDosha’s burning sensation. When Kapha’s quantity in the body rises, (along with the rest of the factors) the Rasa Dhatu (or the plasma) that is seen present in the vagina leads to this secretion from the body.
To cure Leucorrhoea by Ayurveda, it is vital for the body to get the digestive functions back on track. This means that one has to clean the body of all the unnecessary wastes. This is essential to balance the Kapha. The actual medication by Ayurveda then is recommended so that the reproductive system is cleaned.
Lifestyle Guide & Recommended Diet
- Of all the foods, it is important for you to reduce the consumption of heavy and oily junk foods.
- Do not have too much of hot drinks like tea or coffee, and cold aerated drinks and meat.
- The age old practice of eating betel nuts and leaves post dinner or lunch is prescribed.
- It is recommended to have more of green vegetables, and salads on a regular basis would also help.
- It is recommended that one takes in more of fruit juices and soups, in fact water in many forms to help in cleansing the body.
- It is also recommended that one maintain proper personal hygiene. The undergarments should be rinsed with a cleaning liquid and further to that, they should be dried in open air.
- Further, it would be beneficial not to read or watch any sexually explicit content.
Homemade Therapies
- The first remedy suggests that you take 2-3 spoons, fenugreek seeds that should be boiled in 1 liter of water for ½ hour. Keep it on medium flame. With this essence one should try cleaning the genital area almost as many as four times every day.
- Take a teaspoon of powder of asparagus along with another teaspoon of honey two times a day.
- Take three cups of water and add three tablespoons of rice and boil it for some time. Filter the rice and strain the water which should be consumed with a spoon of unrefined (if possible) sugar at least one time a day.
- When you soak a teaspoon of coriander seeds overnight, drink the water in the morning, and even eat the seeds, religiously for one month, then you are sure to get excellent results.