Psoriasis is a typical common skin defect, which is quite common and motivates in the reproduction of skin cells rapidly. This causes dark patches and red patches of hard skin. This is non-contagious disease. Due to the fast growth of the skin cell, the dry flakes and scales of skin appear. Psoriasis usually affects the patient’s scalp, elbow, and knees.
The reasons of getting Psoriasis are:
As per the Ayurvedic concept, the main cause of psoriasis is due to improper balance of Pitta Dosha and Vata Dosha. The cultivation and growth of toxins are mainly because of these two doshas, where Pitta (heat) and Vata (air) catalyzes the toxins to promote them grow quickly.These toxins affect body tissues like rasa (nutrient plasma), lasika (lymphatic), rakta (blood), mansa (flesh) thus leading to a condition called as Psoriasis.
As per the Ayurvedic medication, the focus is to clean blood and related tissues to combat Psoriasis. The toxins are removed from the body, digestive system are cleaned as well. Herbal medicines are recommended to promote the skin tone and the related tissues.
Lifestyle Guide & Recommended Diet
Homemade Therapies
Psoriasis is a typical common skin defect, which is quite common and motivates in the reproduction of skin cells rapidly. This causes dark patches and red patches of hard skin. This is non-contagious disease. Due to the fast growth of the skin cell, the dry flakes and scales of skin appear. Psoriasis usually affects the patient’s scalp, elbow, and knees.
The reasons of getting Psoriasis are:
- Consuming improper food combination such as milk and fish together
- Genetically, a kid is likely to suffer from Psoriasis if one of the parents is suffering, and the chance is 15 %. However, 60% chances if both the parents are affected.
- External attacks such as burns, cuts, bruises
- Due to some medicines, skin lotions that might result in due course
- On consuming alcohol or smoking excessively
- Stress factors or even psychological reasons.
- Regular itching of skin
- Redding of skin
- Pus filled skin wound
- Scales coming out loose
- Distress emotionally
- Pain and slow motion in joints
- Skin bleeding
- Inflammation of skin
- Skin patches dried
- Blisters of skin
As per the Ayurvedic concept, the main cause of psoriasis is due to improper balance of Pitta Dosha and Vata Dosha. The cultivation and growth of toxins are mainly because of these two doshas, where Pitta (heat) and Vata (air) catalyzes the toxins to promote them grow quickly.These toxins affect body tissues like rasa (nutrient plasma), lasika (lymphatic), rakta (blood), mansa (flesh) thus leading to a condition called as Psoriasis.
As per the Ayurvedic medication, the focus is to clean blood and related tissues to combat Psoriasis. The toxins are removed from the body, digestive system are cleaned as well. Herbal medicines are recommended to promote the skin tone and the related tissues.
Lifestyle Guide & Recommended Diet
- Don’t consume food in an improper combination
- Don’t bath in cold water immediately after working hard physically
- Avoid controlling of natural urges like urination, bowels and vomiting
- Avoid eating food causing indigestion
- Avoid consuming excessive spicy, acidic or sour food
- Avoid fish, jaggery, radish, curd, sesame and other sour-acidic food
Homemade Therapies
- Use Banana leaf as a fresh cover in the affected region or Psoriasis
- Drink about 2 cups of bitter gourd juice every morning in empty stomach. This should be carried out for a time period of about 5- 6 months on a daily basis. If one finds the drink to be too bitter, they might add limejuice about a tablespoon.
- Use Shikakai (soap nut) and boil it with hot water and put it in the affected parts
- Sesame seeds (til) is known to heal skin diseases. Take a glass of water, soak about 20 seeds for overnight and consume the next morning in an empty stomach.