Urticaria (Hives)
Urticaria or Hives as the infection is called are red patchy skin that are raised, red and itchy and can appear in any form or size ranging between a few millimetres to a few inches in dimension. Hives may appear in round shapes or even appear as large patches. They may come up in the body in any place like the arms, hands, trunk portion, or the legs. When Histamine, an infection causing substance increases the size of blood vessels walls and makes them permeable, or even leads to the fluids from nearby vessels to leak, the swelling happens on the skin.
In the earlier stages, symptoms would range between loss of appetite, a feeling of heaviness of body, nausea or congestion of eyes. Even skin infections or red itchy patches may come up. Further, feeling of flushing or heaviness in the head, causing headache may follow. The itches may have darker red scaly protruding at the edges that may be raised at the corners and a lighter shade in the centre. These hives or wheels as they are called change shape, or size frequently.
Urticaria (Hives)as per Ayurvedic Concept
When coming in contact with cold air, a person’s Kapha(Water) or Vata(air) may be affected easily. This in combination with Pitta Dosha spreads to the blood or Raktadhaatu and goes deep in to the blood. This is the main reason for the SthanSanshrya (relocation) on the skin and causes Shitpitta, as Urticaria to occur.
Urticaria can also be classified as an allergic response to the external environment due to the improper immunity causing ama to form.
Ayurvedic treatment works on a holistic pattern where the body’s heated toxins are cleansed and pacified by the herbs. Applying several herbs on the skin helps in reducing the itchy patches on the skin. For ensuring that the mind is set to peace, it is essential that Panchakarma and other massage therapies are followed for noticeable effects. Few of the massages include ones like Virechen(induced loose motion), vaman (induced vomiting) or svedana (fomentation) or Abhyanga (massage) have been found effective for the condition of Urticaria.
Lifestyle Guide & Recommended Diet
Homemade Therapies
Urticaria or Hives as the infection is called are red patchy skin that are raised, red and itchy and can appear in any form or size ranging between a few millimetres to a few inches in dimension. Hives may appear in round shapes or even appear as large patches. They may come up in the body in any place like the arms, hands, trunk portion, or the legs. When Histamine, an infection causing substance increases the size of blood vessels walls and makes them permeable, or even leads to the fluids from nearby vessels to leak, the swelling happens on the skin.
- Presence of food allergence
- Eating heavy foods that are not easy to digest
- Presence of insects to bite
- Come in presence of extreme heat or cold
- Worms in the intestine
- Using Panchakarma with no prior knowledge( especially the Asamyakvaman and the Varman)
- Unknowingly coming in touch with Bhilawa (SemecarpusAnacardium) or herbs like Kaunch (MucunaPruriens)
- Restricting the urge of vomit
- Intake of certain medicines like codeine, few specific pain killers or antibiotics too
- Use of arsenic
In the earlier stages, symptoms would range between loss of appetite, a feeling of heaviness of body, nausea or congestion of eyes. Even skin infections or red itchy patches may come up. Further, feeling of flushing or heaviness in the head, causing headache may follow. The itches may have darker red scaly protruding at the edges that may be raised at the corners and a lighter shade in the centre. These hives or wheels as they are called change shape, or size frequently.
Urticaria (Hives)as per Ayurvedic Concept
When coming in contact with cold air, a person’s Kapha(Water) or Vata(air) may be affected easily. This in combination with Pitta Dosha spreads to the blood or Raktadhaatu and goes deep in to the blood. This is the main reason for the SthanSanshrya (relocation) on the skin and causes Shitpitta, as Urticaria to occur.
Urticaria can also be classified as an allergic response to the external environment due to the improper immunity causing ama to form.
Ayurvedic treatment works on a holistic pattern where the body’s heated toxins are cleansed and pacified by the herbs. Applying several herbs on the skin helps in reducing the itchy patches on the skin. For ensuring that the mind is set to peace, it is essential that Panchakarma and other massage therapies are followed for noticeable effects. Few of the massages include ones like Virechen(induced loose motion), vaman (induced vomiting) or svedana (fomentation) or Abhyanga (massage) have been found effective for the condition of Urticaria.
Lifestyle Guide & Recommended Diet
- Consume only fresh and easy to digest foods
- Stay away from sugary or jaggery
- Do not go for sour or heavy foods that take time for digestion
- Cook your foods with mustard oil
- Cook split legumes and vegetables and have them frequently
- Do not use sugar, instead have honey
- Do not restrict the urge of vomiting
- Have light foods like vegetable soups or boiled rice or porridge atleast once a week.
- Overindulgence in sexual intercourse, or overexposure to sun or daytime should be restricted
Homemade Therapies
- Applying Aloe Vera gel on the itchy areas for 30 or 40 minutes may cool down the area and help in speedy recovery
- It is vital to increase the body’s immunity and so have a teaspoon of Haldi(turmeric) in a glass of milk or water once or twice a day.
- A relaxing mustard oil massage fifteen minutes prior to a bath in lukewarm water is recommended.